

Secure your project with biometrics this all in one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. These modules are typically used in safes there’s a high powered dsp chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature finding and searching. High speed, high accuracy fingerprint identification. Download fingerprint images from the device.

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Secure your project with biometrics this all in one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. These modules are typically used in safes there’s a high powered dsp chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature finding and searching. High speed, high accuracy fingerprint identification. Download fingerprint images from the device. Read and write fingerprint templates and databases. Simple uart protocol (default 9600 baud). Capable of 1: 1 verification and 1: n identification connect to any microcontroller or system with ttl serial and send packets of data to take photos, detect prints, hash and search. You can also enroll new fingers directly up to 1000 finger prints can be stored in the onboard flash memory. There’s a red LED in the lens that lights up during a photo so you know its working. It’s easy to use, it also comes with fairly straight forward windows software that makes testing the module simple you can even enroll using the software and see an image of the fingerprint on your computer screen

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 8 cm


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